About Us

We are Allkin

(formerly known as AMKFSC Community Services)

Founded in 1978 as Singapore's first family service centre, Allkin Singapore is a community-driven social service agency that believes everyone has the potential to create positive change, regardless of age, race, or background.

Through our service offerings, strategic partnerships, and community initiatives, we unlock opportunities for vulnerable individuals and families to overcome life's challenges, build a brighter future, and inspire others to do the same.

Our Vision

Enhancing and enriching lives

Our Mission

Creating opportunities for people to build a brighter future

Our Values


We step up to the call of duty, leading with integrity and taking ownership of our actions.


We are dedicated to excellence, demonstrating superior knowledge and skills by shining a light on best practices in the industry.

Kindred Spirit

We leverage our diversity to work together as one united Allkin.


We are committed to our cause, taking on challenges with courage and an open mind.


We strive to ignite and inspire those around us through our passion and energy.


We treat everyone with compassion, empathy, and respect.

Our Strategy

We are committed to building thriving and connected communities in the Central-Northeast region of Singapore through an ecosystem of care, by playing the role of...

Capacity Builder
Service Provider

Our Logo

Allkin logo
Sparkle (radiant rays)

We are optimistic, open-minded, and believe in the power of individuals coming together to spark new connections, ideas, and beginnings

Allkin logo


Sparkle (radiant rays)

We are optimistic, open-minded, and believe in the power of individuals coming together to spark new connections, ideas, and beginnings

Smile (interconnecting curved line)

We embrace human connection and maintain a welcoming, people-first mindset


Fresh Blue

We are dependable, grounded, and trustworthy

Joyful Orange

We are warm, optimistic, and diverse

Our Belief

At Allkin Singapore, we believe that open doors can transform lives.

That's why we build open communities that welcome new people and new ideas.

That's why we constantly challenge ourselves to do things differently and to keep an open mind.

That's why we're committed to opening avenues for learning and progress.

And that's why we open the hearts and minds of staff, clients, and partners to the ways that they can make a difference.

Because it all starts with opening the door. So go on and let life sparkle.

Our Journey

We began in the heart of the community.
In 1978, Singapore's first Family Service Centre opened its doors in Ang Mo Kio.

First known as Ang Mo Kio Social Service Centre, we evolved far beyond these premises over the next four decades - but the pioneering, people-first spirit behind our humble beginnings have remained at the core of what we do.
illustration of a HDB building
A group of elderly ladies sipping on some tea
In everything we pioneered, people always came first.
A group of children standing infront of AMK SSC, photo taken circa the 80s
Pushing boundaries became part of our DNA.
With a deep understanding of communities, we were quick to adapt and innovate above our day-to-day work when new challenges arose.

Amid a rise in low-income and isolated seniors, we brought plastic chairs, tau huay, and exercise routines to their void decks to engage them. This developed into dedicated spaces under our Senior Service (formerly known as COMNET Senior Service), where the elderly could forge connections, find community, and live their golden years meaningfully.
In the same spirit, we transformed a unit within a HDB flat - which was converted into temporary shelter premises - into an office where tenants could seek support from practitioners. This first-of-its-kind initiative, which enabled us to journey alongside beneficiaries with greater care, formed the bedrock of our Transitional Shelter service today.
Whimsical illustration of a group of tiny people coming together to cook
It was clear that our focus was never just on meeting urgent needs. We always started where our beneficiaries were at — their insights, strengths, realities — to co-create initiatives with real impact.

At a time where rations were mainly canned processed items, Pilih Pilih was borne to enable low-income families to eat and live better. Since then, the fresh food distribution initiative has grown into a resident-led project, where community members and beneficiaries tap on their know-how to improve access to healthy eating.

When tackling social issues, we had conversations with beneficiaries to collaboratively find solutions. This enabled us to uncover sleep as an underlying factor to the struggles faced by vulnerable families. From here, Mission Tilam was borne to foster healthy bedtime routines in underprivileged children through unique storytelling approaches.
Two smiling boys playing and building an unidentified object with lego blocks
illustration of a person standing on a chair with a megaphone and two others cheering them on
We continued to lead with empathy, expertise, and excellence.
Our focus was to champion equal opportunities for all.
In advocating poverty alleviation, we realised that we could not do it alone — and so we innovated new ways of influencing change.

Breaking the cycle meant starting young, and an integrated preventive approach was key. We piloted Kids 0-3 with Temasek Cares and KK Women's and Children's Hospital, which streamlined community and healthcare support to ensure every child gets a good start in life. We carry out this approach through ECDA's nationwide KidSTART model today.
We also led collaborative platforms where citizens, organisations, and individuals with lived experiences could co-create solutions to poverty. These conversations were held to commemorate International Day of the Eradication of Poverty each year, where we stood with partners from all industries to uplift beneficiary voices and champion systemic change.
As trailblazers in the sector, we inspired many through thought leadership and learning opportunities.

We, too, were inspired by the work of others — and hence mobilised and collaborated with local and regional institutions to co-create platforms that promote the exchange of insights and best practices. Through opportunities such as the hallmark symposium with the Singapore University of Social Sciences we brought conversations on the sector and its practice to new horizons.

At the core of our excellence lies the many talented and dedicated practitioners. With many awardees of the National Council of Social Service's Promising and Outstanding Social Worker Awards in our midst, we became one of the best places to learn at and grow in the industry.
An elderly man prepping bean sprouts in a community centre, behind him, a group of elderlies are seated and exercising with their arms in the air
And we pushed the envelope by holding the first-ever community-led festival under train tracks in Singapore. Thrive! at the Tracks, which saw over 1,200 visitors, enabled beneficiaries and residents to share their talents, build connections, and inspire their own communities.
illustration of a group of locals sharing food
We welcome all kin to join us in our ongoing journey.

Behind every milestone lies passion, purpose, and most importantly, people. Be a part of our next chapter in enhancing and enriching lives today.

To uplift citizens, we harnessed their potential as changemakers.
We believe that communities are as strong as their people. That's why we enable beneficiaries and residents to discover and harness their strengths for the greater good.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, we transformed problems into possibilities for beneficiaries to use their time, skills, and resources to help those in need. Delivery riders were mobilised to send necessities to vulnerable families, while home chefs cooked meals for neighbours who struggled to access healthy food amid the lockdown.
We may have grown and evolved over the years, but our commitment to enhancing and enriching lives remains.
From our re-name to The Ang Mo Kio Family Centres in the late 1990s (following the opening of our new FSC branches) to our corporatisation to AMKFSC Community Services Ltd in 2014 (which aimed to encapsulate the growing breadth and depth of our work), we have remained steadfast in going the extra mile.

Known as Allkin Singapore today, we not only continue to provide quality services, but also recognise, celebrate, and hone the strengths of the people we journey with to build thriving and connected communities.